Inability to find housing fit for humans…

Issue #1…inability to find housing suitable for human use. The housing in the area that we moved to was not expensive, but initially impossible to find. Every realtor that we came across was pompous and unwilling to even talk to us (more on this in the next post). 

We finally got hold of someone with a lot of rental properties willing to speak to us. He was a well known business person within the county in a job which only a respectable person should hold. He had a property available and let us go look at it.

I cannot fully explain the shock when we walked in this “home”. It was tiny (no big deal), it did not look like it had been cleaned when the previous tenants moved out (there were still personal items in the bathroom and kitchen), the second “bedroom” was a tiny room with a trap door in the floor wherein you had to go down in to wash and dry your clothing. The trap door was at least half the size of this tiny “room” which was actually originally a tiny front porch/sun room. The roof in that room was leaking and swollen down, clearly ready to fall.

We called to let them know it would not work for us so they told us that they had another opening up next week and we could come check it out. (We were living in airbnbs and motels at this point, which took all of our relocation money. Thankfully it was off season or we would have been living in our car.) 

The following week we came to look at this “home”  that had been talked up to us. It was horrific. The heating system had clearly been on fire at one point, it was ancient so that made sense. I don’t know how to fully explain the house other than to say it looked like a drug den. Lots of little closets and bedrooms, but literally looked like a third world country. Appeared to have been raided multiple times. 

Out of desperation, we called my manager to tell her we could not find a place. She put us in touch with another landlord and we found the place that we are (sadly) currently in. The heat does not work. It was still below freezing for the first 5 weeks that we were here so that was not fun. There’s no water pressure in the bathroom sink at all. The basement has apparently flooded multiple times and is absolutely eaten up with mold. It was actually up to her ankles in her boots the first day she showed us the place and they “fixed” it, but clearly not. This would be a problem for anyone, but since my husband told them when we moved here that he’d had Covid twice and we both had breathing issues, this is definitely a huge deal. He has personally gone down and bleached the mold numerous times, but it keeps coming back, of course. There apparently used to be animals in this rental and there are still fleas which explains why she made a big deal about us being responsible for any pest issues. We have also found numerous black widows and brown recluse spiders.

There’s no a/c either and it’s hot as hello now that it has gotten to be summer. It’s not as bad with the windows open, but that’s not often possible and I will explain why in a future post…

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