RUDE snobby mean arrogant people

As mentioned in my second post, we had a hard time getting any realtors to speak to us. That was only the beginning. Most people that are born and raised here or have been here for any length of time, will not give you the time of day. 

They act like they are the best and anyone that is not from here does not belong here and will be treated accordingly. We are very polite people, I’ve raised my kids with manners, to open the door for people, be kind, etc. My juvenile child has literally been reprimanded by adults simply for being kind and opening doors. I WISH this was a lie. 

We get expressions constantly of people looking at us like we have three heads because we are different. We aren’t trying to change things so it is not that. If I planned to stay longer, I would definitely want to change that, though.

Some things that we have been told by people from here…

”We are selfish with our Wyoming.” 

“If you do not have a Wyoming license plate, you will get picked up for things that we would not. If you’re doing the speed limit and we’re doing 20 over, you will get the ticket.”

“I’ve lived here twenty years and my neighbor that I’ve lived next to for 15 still will not speak to me because I’m not from here.” 

That is a VERY small part of it. The only people we have found be kind and welcoming (somewhat) are people that are also not from here and often, not even then. 

#wyoming #wyominglife


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